HCT transporter

Resultat från Duo2: "Målet om minskat utsläpp har uppnåtts. Projektet har visat på en minskning på 27% i både CO2 och bränsle per transporterad godsmängd. Detta sker utan någon negativ påverkan på trafiksäkerhet, fordons eller infrastruktur. Vidare fungerar logistiken utmärkt då fordonskonceptet bygger på existerande transportenheter, s.k. moduler." Källa (www.skogsforsk.se)

Nedan kan ni läsa en artikel som skrevs om VOS logistiks senaste projekt i Sverige med Duo transporter, i samarbete med Alguns åkeri AB.

"After an extensive preparation Vos Logistics started a pilot with the EcoCombi XL in Sweden. The EcoCombi XL is a combination of a tractor pulling two 13.6m megatrailers. The combination totals up to 32 meters and brings several benefits. The double volume provides efficiency in transport and reduces the CO2 emission. The concept of using two identical trailers also maximizes the flexibility of transport. There is no impact on loading and unloading procedures.

Vos Logistics realized the pilot in close collaboration with Scania and local partners and with approval of the Swedish authorities. This development supports the objectives of the initiators to develop clean and efficient transport solutions.

Jan van Tilburg, project manager at Vos Logistics and initiator: “I followed the EcoCombi XL on its first trip from Stockholm to Malmö to assure that there were no obstacles on the way. I was pleasantly surprised about the smooth trip and vastly believe that this concept is scalable in Sweden but also in other European countries. The use of the EcoCombi XL can really support the reduction of CO2 emission and bring down congestion on European roads”.

During the pilot phase, the EcoCombi XL will be used on selected lanes in Sweden. Vos Logistics plans to further roll out this solution in Sweden and other European countries"

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Växel: 040 61 60 600
E-mail: info@algunsakeri.se


Besöksadress: Skruvgatan 5 | 211 24 Malmö
Postadress: Box 150 37 | 200 31 Malmö

Vårt ansvar

Alla uppdrag utföres i enlighet med vid varje tid gällande Alguns Åkeris:s Uppdragsvillkor samt NSAB 2000.

All and any assignments are carried out in accordance with Alguns Åkeri General Conditions latest version and General Conditions of the Nordic Forwarders Association (NSAB 2000).